eBook Veverita Curajoasa si Alunul cel Vrajit
De (autor): Delia C. Zorzoliu
I have now relived, as an adult, the world of stories from the past of my happy childhood that I want to share with you, dear children. I will start with ''The Brave Squirrel and The Enchanted Hazelnut Tree'', the story of a squirrel who would do anything to help her friends when they need it. Fearless, she is willing to give her life to those close to her. Will she manage to save her sisters?!
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Descrierea produsului
I have now relived, as an adult, the world of stories from the past of my happy childhood that I want to share with you, dear children. I will start with ''The Brave Squirrel and The Enchanted Hazelnut Tree'', the story of a squirrel who would do anything to help her friends when they need it. Fearless, she is willing to give her life to those close to her. Will she manage to save her sisters?!
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